Friday, January 30, 2009

Bombardier shuts down Quebec plant for March break

Bombardier shuts down Quebec plant for March breakThe Bombardier plant in Valcourt makes recreational vehicles.(CBC) Bombardier Recreational Products Inc., the maker of the Ski-Doo and the Sea-Doo, will close its main plant in Valcourt, Que., for one week in March.

The planned shutdown follows a decision by Bombardier to cut the company's overall production by 20 per cent.

Two hundred workers will be laid off temporarily as a result of the plant closure.

Pierre Pichette, vice-president of communications for Bombardier's recreational division, blamed the move on a global reduction in demand for recreational vehicles.

He could not say if the March shutdown would be the last temporary closure.

"We don't have a crystal ball," said Pichette. "It is possible that we will repeat this or take other measures in the future. But we will let employees know at that time, and the public as well."

Bombardier officials also said they would consider imposing a four-day week on the plant if the market continues to deteriorate.

In December, Bombardier announced it would eliminate 550 white-collar jobs, while 430 blue-collar employees with the company were also given temporary layoff notices.

The Valcourt temporary shutdown will take effect on March 2.